Welcome to Frontier Regional School

Building dynamic learning communities, one student, one teacher, one family at a time.

A vision for the future

Frontier Regional and Union 38 will create vibrant, collaborative, engaging, and inclusive learning communities that empower students to become successful and self-sufficient participants in society.

Conway Grammar Logo
Deerfield Elementary Logo
Frontier Regional Seal
Sunderland Seal
Whately Elementary Seal

Frontier Regional School

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  • If you have questions and do not have a ParentSquare account please call the school directly or fill out the Contact Form.



Concerns or Complaints?

District Contact: Karen Ferrandino, Director of Student Services

Email: karen.ferrandino@frsu38

(413) 665-1155

Anonymous Bullying Report Form

Anonymous Harrassment Report Form


The mission of Frontier Regional School is to provide the highest quality education by offering challenging learning opportunities for all students. The school cultivates skills for responsible citizenship and for lifelong learning in a changing society. We value each individual and foster a safe and caring school environment.

Frontier Regional Gallery