Student Work Permits
Information & Resources
If you have any questions please call us at
Our mailing address is:
Frontier Regional & Union #38 School Districts, Office of the Superintendent
113 North Main St., Office C101, South Deerfield, MA 01373.
We are located at the second or Middle School entrance of Frontier Regional School.
All Minors between the ages of 14 to 18 are required to obtain a work permit to be employed in the state of Massachusetts. Once a student has been offered a job they will need to complete an Employment Permit Application for 14-17 Year-Olds (link to the right.) See below for the application process steps and a checklist to make sure everything is filled out properly and that you come with the necessary paperwork.
Important Links are to the right —->
Following the steps below will help you complete the process:
STEP 1: Obtain a job offer from an employer.
STEP 2: Obtain an Employee Permit Application for 14-17 year olds. Your employer may fill out and provide you with a permit application at the time of your job offer. If not, you may download the application from the link on the right and print it out. You will need pages 1 and 2. Printed copies may be picked up at the Superintendent’s Office located at 113 North Main St., Office C101, South Deerfield (the second entrance of Frontier Regional School). You may call us at 413-665-1155 if you have any questions.
STEP 3: Ask your employer to complete and sign the “Promise of Employment” section on page 1 of the application, making sure to list your name and position.
STEP 4: Applies only to students between the ages of 14-15. You must ask your physician to complete and sign the Physician’s Certificate of Health section on page 2 of the employee permit application.
STEP 5: All students, regardless of age, need a parent/guardian signature, as well as their own signature on page 2 of the application.
STEP 6: Bring completed permit applications to the Superintendent’s Office—the second entrance of Frontier Regional School—during the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday where a permit will be issued. If you are a Frontier Regional student, we will use your records on file for proof of ID. If you are not a Frontier student, you will need to provide a photo ID such as a school ID, driver’s license or passport. You must be present to sign the permit in front of the issuing agent.
STEP 7: Once the permit is complete we will make a copy and provide you with the original which must be given to your employer to have on file.
☐ Did your employer fill out the Promise of Employment
section and sign it?
☐ If you are 14-15 has your physician signed the consent
section on page 2?
☐ Has your parent/guardian signed page 2?
☐ If you are not a Frontier student, did you bring a photo ID?
(student ID, drivers license or passport)
- Minors cannot transfer a permit given for one job to another job. The process must begin again, even if the employer is the same but the work location has changed.
- An employer who wishes to use a minor at more than one location must keep a permit on file at each business location.
- A minor does not have to apply for a new employment permit at the beginning of the school year if they have the same job.
- For minors who are residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, permits are issued by the superintendent of schools for the municipality in which the minor lives or attends school. If the minor lives outside the Commonwealth, the permit is issued by the superintendent for the community where the minor’s job will be located.